* @class
* @classdesc API for the Client entities, which represent some brand or company.
export const ClientAPI = superclass =>
class extends superclass {
* Returns all clients in the registry.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {Object} options An object of options to configure the query and
* its results.
* @returns {Promise} The client result list.
async listClients(options = {}) {
const url = this.baseUrl + "clients";
const contents = await this.get(url, options);
return contents;
* Creates a new client with the provided information.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {Client} payload An object that contains information about a client.
* @returns {Promise} The created client.
async createClient(payload) {
const url = this.baseUrl + "clients";
const client = await this.post(url, { dataJ: payload });
return client;
* Returns the client with the provided name.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @returns {Promise} The client requested.
async getClient(name) {
const url = this.baseUrl + `clients/${name}`;
const client = await this.get(url);
return client;
* Updates the client with the provided information.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {Object} payload An object that contains information about a client.
* @returns {Promise} The updated client.
async updateClient(name, payload) {
const url = this.baseUrl + `clients/${name}`;
const client = await this.put(url, { dataJ: payload });
return client;
* Deletes the client with the provided name.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @returns {Promise} Empty response.
async deleteClient(name) {
const url = this.baseUrl + `clients/${name}`;
const client = await this.delete(url);
return client;
* Returns the projects of the provided client.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {Object} options An object of options to configure the query and
* its results.
* @returns {Promise} The client's projects result list.
async listProjectsClient(name, options = {}) {
const url = this.baseUrl + `clients/${name}/projects`;
const contents = await this.get(url, options);
return contents;
* Creates a new project for the provided client.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {Project} payload An object that contains information about a project.
* @returns {Promise} The newly created client's project.
async createProjectClient(name, payload) {
const url = this.baseUrl + `clients/${name}/projects`;
const projectContent = await this.post(url, { dataJ: payload });
return projectContent;
* Returns a project of the provided client.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {String} project The name of the project.
* @returns {Promise} The requested client's project.
async getProjectClient(name, project) {
const url = this.baseUrl + `clients/${name}/projects/${project}`;
const projectContent = await this.get(url);
return projectContent;
* Updates a project of the provided client.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {String} project The name of the project.
* @param {Object} payload An object that contains information about a project.
* @returns {Promise} The updated client's project.
async updateProjectClient(name, project, payload) {
const url = this.baseUrl + `clients/${name}/projects/${project}`;
const projectContent = await this.put(url, { dataJ: payload });
return projectContent;
* Deletes a project of the provided client.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {String} project The name of the project.
* @returns {Promise} Empty response.
async deleteProjectClient(name, project) {
const url = this.baseUrl + `clients/${name}/projects/${project}`;
const projectContent = await this.delete(url);
return projectContent;
* Returns a client's project iterations.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {String} project The name of the project.
* @param {Object} options An object of options to configure the query and
* its results.
* @returns {Promise} The client's project iterations result list.
async listIterationsProject(name, project, options = {}) {
const url = this.baseUrl + `clients/${name}/projects/${project}/iterations`;
const contents = await this.get(url, options);
return contents;
* Creates a new iteration for the provided project.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {String} project The name of the project.
* @param {Iteration} payload An object that contains information about an iteration.
* @returns {Promise} The newly created iteration.
async createIterationProject(name, project, payload) {
const url = this.baseUrl + `clients/${name}/projects/${project}/iterations`;
const iterationContent = await this.post(url, { dataJ: payload });
return iterationContent;
* Returns a client's project iteration.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {String} project The name of the project.
* @param {String} iteration The name of the iteration.
* @returns {Promise} The requested client's project iteration.
async getIterationProject(name, project, iteration) {
const url =
this.baseUrl + `clients/${name}/projects/${project}/iterations/${iteration}`;
const iterationContent = await this.get(url);
return iterationContent;
* Updates an iteration of the provided project.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {String} project The name of the project.
* @param {String} iteration The name of the iteration.
* @param {Object} payload An object that contains information about an iteration.
* @returns {Promise} The updated iteration.
async updateIterationProject(name, project, iteration, payload) {
const url =
this.baseUrl + `clients/${name}/projects/${project}/iterations/${iteration}`;
const iterationContent = await this.put(url, { dataJ: payload });
return iterationContent;
* Deletes an iteration of the provided project.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {String} project The name of the project.
* @param {String} iteration The name of the iteration.
* @returns {Promise} Empty response.
async deleteIterationProject(name, project, iteration) {
const url =
this.baseUrl + `clients/${name}/projects/${project}/iterations/${iteration}`;
const iterationContent = await this.delete(url);
return iterationContent;
* Returns an iteration's reviews.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {String} project The name of the project.
* @param {String} iteration The name of the iteration.
* @param {Object} options An object of options to configure the query and
* its results.
* @returns {Promise} The iteration's reviews result list.
async listReviewsIteration(name, project, iteration, options = {}) {
const url =
this.baseUrl +
const contents = await this.get(url, options);
return contents;
* Creates a new review for the provided iteration.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {String} project The name of the project.
* @param {String} iteration The name of the iteration.
* @param {Review} payload An object that contains information about a review.
* @returns {Promise} The newly created iteration.
async createReviewIteration(name, project, iteration, payload) {
const url =
this.baseUrl +
const reviewContent = await this.post(url, { dataJ: payload });
return reviewContent;
* Returns an iteration's review.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {String} project The name of the project.
* @param {String} iteration The name of the iteration.
* @param {String} review The name of the review.
* @returns {Promise} The requested iteration's review.
async getReviewIteration(name, project, iteration, review) {
const url =
this.baseUrl +
const reviewContent = await this.get(url);
return reviewContent;
* Updates a review of the provided iteration.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {String} project The name of the project.
* @param {String} iteration The name of the iteration.
* @param {String} review The name of the review.
* @param {Object} payload An object that contains information about a review.
* @returns {Promise} The updated review.
async updateReviewIteration(name, project, iteration, review, payload) {
const url =
this.baseUrl +
const reviewContent = await this.put(url, { dataJ: payload });
return reviewContent;
* Deletes a review of the provided review.
* @memberof ClientAPI
* @param {String} name The name of the client.
* @param {String} project The name of the project.
* @param {String} iteration The name of the iteration.
* @param {String} review The name of the review.
* @returns {Promise} Empty response.
async deleteReviewIteration(name, project, iteration, review) {
const url =
this.baseUrl +
const reviewContent = await this.delete(url);
return reviewContent;
export default ClientAPI;